
Group/Centre Based Activities

Assisted Living

An assisted living service allows individuals with a disability to live in groups or centres where they can receive assistance with daily living tasks. We also provide recreation and other social activities by joining them in centres. It includes things like cooking, cleaning, bathing, and organising belongings.

Assistance in managing personal finances

We provide support to people with disabilities in managing their money responsibly and independently. This means they no longer need to rely on family or friends for help and can focus on living life fully. We also facilitate direct payment into an account, as well as support for budgeting advice, credit counselling, and more.

Coordination of care from different providers

To make this process easier, we develop a coordinated plan or service design for your loved ones. This will help you identify what type of services they need and who should provide them. We also work with a consultant or coordinator who can help your loved ones put together a detailed plan and monitor its implementation regularly. Alongside this, it will also help reduce chaos and confusion, which can lead to problems down the road.

Provision of support prevents or reduces isolation and loneliness

The provision of support to prevent or reduce isolation and loneliness in people with disabilities is an important part. This will help to ensure that people with disabilities have access to the support they need to live autonomously, participate fully in community life, and maintain their dignity. We will also provide assistance to prevent or reduce isolation and loneliness in people with disabilities through the following services: nurse home visit programs, community support services, and peer engagement programs.

Special Efforts

We focus on providing sports and physical activity opportunities for people with disabilities or chronic conditions such as diabetes or arthritis. The autism spectrum education program is specifically designed for individuals who have autism.


MindShift provides training courses aimed at helping employees with developmental disabilities transition into mainstream work-life situations using strategies such as job coaching and workplace adjustments.

We believe these types of programs should be affordable and accessible to everyone who needs them. It shouldn’t cost too much (in terms of money or time), nor should it require too many extra resources from the participants’ families or caregivers. Apart from this, we regularly update and revise to reflect changes in disability awareness and technology over time.

Please get in touch with us if you want to learn more about how this could improve your loved ones’ lives!

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