NDIS Registered Provider in Queensland


Your Rights as an NDIS Participant: A Simple Guide

Being an NDIS participant comes with certain rights that empower you to make choices about the support you receive. Here’s a breakdown of your rights in simple terms, with a focus on putting you in control.

  • Choose Your Support Provider

You have the right to pick who delivers your support and how they do it. Don’t feel limited to just one provider – explore your options and find what works best for you.

  • Say No If It’s Not Right

If you ever feel that a provider isn’t acting in your best interests, you have the right to say no. Your well-being is the priority, and you should feel comfortable with the support you’re receiving.

  • Ask About Conflicts of Interest

It’s okay to inquire if a provider has any conflicts of interest. Transparency is key, and understanding potential conflicts ensures that your support is focused solely on your needs.

  • No Pressure to Buy Unnecessary Services

You should never feel pressured to purchase services or support that you don’t want or need. Your plan should align with your goals, and providers should respect your choices.

  • Fair and Reasonable Rates

Paying for support should be fair and reasonable. Make sure to follow the NDIS Pricing Arrangement and Price Limits if you’re NDIA-managed or plan-managed to ensure you’re getting value for your investment.

  • Control Your Personal Information

You have the power to decide what personal information you share with a provider for the delivery of support. Your privacy matters, and you should feel in control of the information you disclose.

  • The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

This commission is here to support you. They work with providers to ensure you have choices and control over your supports. Check out their participant information pack for a clearer understanding of your rights.

  • Registered Providers and Quality Standards

Providers that are registered must meet quality standards. These standards ensure that you receive quality, safe support. They also serve as a guide, helping you know what to expect from your registered providers.

Remember, being an NDIS participant means having the power to make decisions about your support. These rights are in place to protect you and ensure that your journey with the NDIS is as smooth as possible. If you ever have questions or concerns, the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is there to help you.

Together we can work towards creating a more inclusive and supportive community. As a registered NDIS service provider, we take in account of all your choices to provide a specified care so as to promote your well-being and dignity.

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